
2-3 weeks

2 Weeks: Implantation is completed around this time, and you miss your first menstrual period.

3 weeks: Your baby’s heart, brain, spinal column, and nervous system are almost complete, and their eyes begin to form.

Your baby’s heart begins to beat!


4 weeks

Your little boy or girl is now approximately 1/4 inch long. The blood flowing in his or her veins is completely different from your blood! Kidneys, the liver and the digestive tract are already taking shape.


5-7 weeks

5 Weeks: Your son or daughter’s face is taking shape; their forehead, eyes, nostrils and mouth are evident; external ears are beginning; hand and foot plates appear in her limb buds.

6 Weeks: The brainwaves of your little child can be recorded. His or her different muscles begin working together.

7 Weeks: Your baby’s fingers and toes are fairly well defined, and fingerprints—a unique and defining feature of every human being—are permanently engraved on their skin. All of his or her organs are present, complete, and functioning (except the lungs).